adrian is rad


an update on the training

Filed under: — adrian @ 11:43 am

I’ve more or less halted training for the triathlon and haven’t done anything serious for the last week and a half. My knee is injured, so I’ve been taking it easy, taking naproxen or ibuprofen, icing it, heating it, etc.

Things I have done in that time: swam twice (1.0 miles, 0.75 miles), aqua-jogged* twice (10 minutes, 20 minutes), bike a small amount (3.3 miles, 4.7 miles, plus practicing track stands for 20 minutes) and walked quite a bit.

It’s starting to feel better, so I’m going to be slowly testing it out: a flat and easy 10-15 mile bike ride tomorrow and if that works, ~1-2 miles on the track (soft surface) on Thursday. Both will be with my new knee brace.

I’m a classic over-doer, but I’ve learned my lesson for this month at least, so, don’t worry, I’m not going to do too much.

*Aqua-jogging is possibly even more boring and stupid than regular jogging. But it’s low-impact.

One Response to “an update on the training”

  1. adrian is rad » it’s official Says:

    […] I won’t be doing the Escape from the Rock triathlong which I signed up for back in December. I’ve been having some knee problems so I switched to the swim-only event. It’ll be my second Alcatraz swim. This time will be not quite as bone-chilling, I think, as I’ll be using a wetsuit. […]

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