adrian is rad


2 ways I use senses in interesting ways for personal interaction

Filed under: — adrian @ 10:26 pm
  1. reading lips. Over many years I noticed that I read lips in addition to listening to people when they’re talking. I have a markedly worse time on the phone than in person for comprehension
  2. recognizing people from afar. When recognizing people from a long way off (say 500 ft.), I use a person’s stature and any tell-tale articles of clothing, but I mostly recognize people’s walk. Ody walks with a lot of angular movement of his shoulders. Amrys has this long, loping sort of stride. Greg, at work, has this very pronounced toes-hit-the-ground-first shuffle.

2 Responses to “2 ways I use senses in interesting ways for personal interaction”

  1. andy (notandyl) Says:

    Dude. You’re SO ready to be deaf.

    Which is, well, important.
    You know, in case you lose your hearing.

  2. adrian is rad » two years and still the same thing: a state of the blog address Says:

    […] 2 ways I use senses in interesting ways for personal interaction […]

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